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General information

  • Name: FATPA
  • Full name: 4,4,8,8,12,12-Hexa-p-tolyl-4H-8H-12H-12C-aza-dibenzo[cd,mn]pyrene
  • CAS number: 1131007-94-7
  • Chemical formula: C63H51N
  • Molecular weight: 822.09 g/mol
  • Absorption: λmax = 311 nm in Toluene
  • Photoluminescence: λmax = 375 nm in Toluene
  • HOMO/LUMO: HOMO = 5.2 eV, LUMO = 1.6 eV
  • Synonyms: 4,4,8,8,12,12-Hexakis(4-methylphenyl)-4H,8H,12H-benzo[1,9]quinolizino[3,4,5,6,7-defg]acridine
  • Classification: Organic light-emitting diodes, Host materials, Semiconducting small molecules
  • Purity: Sublimed: >99.0% (HPLC)
  • Melting point: Tg = 178°C
  • Appearance: White powder/crystals

FATPA: A Revolutionary Material in OLED Technology

FATPA, standing for 4,4,8,8,12,12-Hexa-p-tolyl-4H-8H-12H-12C-aza-dibenzo[cd,mn]pyrene, represents a significant breakthrough in the field of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). As a host material in OLED fabrication, FATPA plays an essential role in the advancement and optimization of various OLED applications.

The Structure and Properties of FATPA

Delving into the molecular structure of FATPA reveals why it’s so effective in OLED applications. Its chemical formula, C63H51N, indicates a complex structure that contributes to its unique electronic properties. It is a compound with a planar chemical structure – nitrogen
at the center of the molecule and surrounding benzene and methylphenyl rings. With a HOMO level of 5.2 eV and a LUMO level of 1.6 eV, FATPA is ideally positioned for use in OLED technologies.

Our FATPA boasts an impressive purity level of more than 99.0%, as verified by HPLC analysis. This high degree of purity is critical for ensuring reliable and consistent performance in OLED devices.

Key Features of FATPA

  • High Electronic Stability: FATPA’s electronic structure is not only complex but also remarkably stable, which is a critical attribute for OLED host materials. This stability ensures that the material does not degrade easily under the operational conditions of OLED devices. As a result, OLEDs using FATPA as a host material are more reliable and have a longer lifespan, maintaining performance consistency even under prolonged use.
  • Superior Energy Levels: The High HOMO (5.2 eV) and Low LUMO (1.6 eV) levels of FATPA are key to its effectiveness in OLED applications. These energy levels are optimally aligned for facilitating efficient charge injection and transport within the OLED structure. This alignment aids in minimizing energy losses and improving the overall efficiency of light emission in OLEDs. The superior energy level alignment of FATPA makes it highly effective in converting electrical energy into light, which is essential for bright and energy-efficient OLED displays.
  • Versatile Use in OLEDs: FATPA’s versatility extends beyond its role as a host material. Its unique molecular properties enable it to be integrated into various components of OLED devices, such as the emissive layer or the electron transport layer. This versatility opens up new avenues for innovative OLED design, allowing for the creation of devices that are not only more efficient but also capable of displaying a wider range of colors and higher levels of brightness. The adaptability of FATPA to different parts of the OLED architecture demonstrates its potential to revolutionize the field of organic electronics.


The Role of FATPA in Advanced OLEDs

In the rapidly advancing OLED industry, the quest for materials that improve efficiency and longevity while reducing energy consumption is vital. FATPA meets these needs with its robust molecular structure and optimal electronic properties. As a key material in OLEDs, FATPA enhances device performance and extends their operational life. Its capabilities in efficient energy transfer and stability under operational conditions make it a perfect fit for cutting-edge OLED technologies.


FATPA is more than just a chemical compound; it’s a driving force in OLED technology, contributing to the development of more efficient and sustainable display technologies. As we continue to explore and utilize its full potential, FATPA is set to remain a critical component in the progression of OLED applications.

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