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General information
- Name: 35DCzPPy
- Full name: 3,5-Bis(3-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)phenyl)pyridine
- CAS number: 1013405-25-8
- Chemical formula: C41H27N3
- Molecular weight: 561.67 g/mol
- Absorption: λmax = 307 nm, 317 nm in DCM
- Photoluminescence: λmax = 347 nm in DCM
- HOMO/LUMO: HOMO = 6.2 eV, LUMO = 2.8 eV
- Synonyms: -
- Classification: Organic light-emitting diodes, Bipolar charge transport layer materials (CTL), Host materials
- Purity: >98%
- Melting point: 290 °C
- Appearance: White powder/crystals