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General information

  • Name: DMAC-BP
  • Full name: Bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone
  • CAS number: 1685287-55-1
  • Chemical formula: C43H36N2O
  • Molecular weight: 596.76 g/mol
  • Absorption: N/A
  • Photoluminescence: λmax = 506 nm in film
  • HOMO/LUMO: HOMO = -5.8 eV, LUMO = -3.1 eV
  • Synonyms: -
  • Classification: Organic light-emitting diodes, Electron transport layer materials (ETL), Solution-processed OLED materials, Emmiting layer materials (EML), TADF materials, Green fluorescent dopant materials, PHOLED materials
  • Purity: Sublimed: >99%
  • Melting point: Td = 410 °C
  • Appearance: Light yellow powder/crystals

DMAC-BP: Spearheading OLED Innovation with Premier Materials

DMAC-BP, Bis[4-(9,9-dimethyl-9,10-dihydroacridine)phenyl]methanone, CAS number 1685287-55-1, stands out in the OLED materials market. As a high-purity compound, C43H36N2O, it serves as a critical green TADF emitter and host material, showcasing Noctiluca’s commitment to supplying top-tier OLED organic materials.

The Molecular Structure and Properties of DMAC-BP

DMAC-BP exemplifies excellence in molecular engineering for OLEDs. Its optimized HOMO of -5.8 eV and LUMO of -3.1 eV positions it as a leading choice for electron transport and green-emitting applications, highlighting our role as a trusted OLED materials supplier and Contract Research Organization (CRO) in the field.

Our commitment to quality ensures DMAC-BP is supplied with over 99% purity, aligning with the highest industry standards for OLED and TADF materials. This commitment underscores our position as a premier CRO chemical provider, dedicated to advancing OLED technology.

Key Features of DMAC-BP:

  • Pioneering Electron Transport and Green Emission: DMAC-BP’s role extends beyond a conventional host material; it excels as a green TADF emitter, enhancing the color palette and efficiency of OLED displays. This versatility cements our reputation as an innovative OLED material supplier, driving forward green OLED and TADF technologies.
  • A Versatile Material for Next-Generation OLEDs: The compatibility of DMAC-BP with various OLED manufacturing processes and its broad application spectrum reinforce our expertise as a CRO chemical authority. Offering solutions for electron transport, host materials, and green dopant applications, DMAC-BP exemplifies the cutting-edge of OLED organic material development.
  • Exceptional Thermal Stability: DMAC-BP stands out for its exceptional thermal stability, making it an ideal material for demanding OLED applications where high temperature processes are involved. This stability ensures that the material retains its electronic properties even under the stress of manufacturing and operational conditions, contributing to the longevity and reliability of OLED devices. The inherent thermal resilience of DMAC-BP enhances device performance, ensuring consistent light emission and color fidelity over an extended period, which is essential for maintaining the quality and performance of OLED displays in various environments.

The Role of DMAC-BP in Advanced OLEDs

DMAC-BP plays a transformative role in the advancement of OLED technology, pushing the boundaries of efficiency, performance, and color quality in OLED displays. As a versatile material with exceptional electron transport capabilities, DMAC-BP significantly enhances the energy efficiency of OLED devices, allowing for lower power consumption while maintaining high brightness and contrast levels. Its role as a green dopant material is particularly critical, enabling the production of OLED displays with a wider color gamut and more vibrant green hues, essential for lifelike image reproduction.

Moreover, DMAC-BP’s contribution to the development of TADF and PHOLED materials underscores its importance in creating next-generation OLEDs that combine high efficiency with long operational lifetimes. By facilitating a more effective charge carrier balance within the OLED structure, DMAC-BP improves the overall device stability and extends the lifespan of OLED panels, reducing the need for frequent replacements and thereby enhancing the sustainability of OLED technology.

The incorporation of DMAC-BP into OLED materials also opens up new possibilities for solution-processed OLEDs, offering a pathway to more cost-effective and scalable manufacturing processes. This adaptability not only makes DMAC-BP a key player in current OLED research and development but also positions it as a foundational material for future innovations in organic electronics, further solidifying its role in driving forward the capabilities and applications of OLED technology.


DMAC-BP exemplifies Noctiluca’s commitment to advancing OLED material science, positioning us as a key player in the supply of high-performance OLED components. Specializing in the provision of advanced OLED materials, including green dopants and host materials, we cater to the industry’s demand for innovation and quality. Our expertise in OLED organic material development, backed by rigorous purity standards, ensures that our offerings like DMAC-BP drive the enhancement of OLED technology’s efficiency and visual excellence. As a trusted OLED materials supplier and Contract Research Organization (CRO), Noctiluca is dedicated to supporting the sector’s evolution towards more sustainable and cost-effective solutions, thereby empowering manufacturers to achieve superior device performance and market differentiation.

Any questions? Contact us!
